
Showing posts with label cloud computing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cloud computing. Show all posts

Cloud computing is a model allows the cost, on-demand network access to a swimming pool and a diverse computing resources (eg, networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be quickly released reserves and little management effort or service provider interaction.
It can be defined pool abstracted, highly scalable, and managed compute infrastructure of qualified hosting end-customer applications and billed usage.

To put it differently, it is the ability to access the Internet anytime and anywhere and can use any or all of the information and applications that you want.

Consumers do not fully understand it yet, and there has been a lot of fuss. Cloud eventually help to your data or software to store and easily accessible are waiting for access to the PC or Mac and can not get it through the Internet.

Keeping aside the technical term for cloud computing can be appreciated on its basic level - any time, any computer without the user ever need to know a lot about technology.

Even if there is not enough, and know a lot, the use of cloud computing has become almost universal.

Resource allotment is pure plug-and-play design, dazzling simplify infrastructure planning is the promise of "cloud computing." Two key if this model is easy to use and cost-effectiveness. While there are still questions about issues such as security and vendor lock-in, the benefits of this model offers many.

Cloud computing is a computing prototype, where a large number of systems connected to private or public networks, to provide dynamically scalable infrastructure, applications, data, and file storage. With the advent of this technology, cost accounting, application hosting, content storage and distribution is significantly reduced.

Cloud computing makes sense to experience the direct cost benefits, and it has the potential to change the data center from a capital-intensive to set up a variable priced environment.

The idea of ​​cloud computing is based on a very simple principle of 're-usability' IT capabilities. " The difference that cloud computing brings compared to traditional concepts of "grid", "distributed computing", "utility computing" or "autonomic computing" is to expand the horizons across organizational boundaries.

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