
Showing posts with label INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT CHECK LIST. Show all posts
Showing posts with label INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT CHECK LIST. Show all posts

Having any number of unwanted pests in your home can make for a stressful situation. Whether or not you want pests to enter your home, they come nonetheless. The only way you can ensure that pests don't overtake your home is to take necessary precautions. This article is equipped with tried and true advice to help you get a handle on any number of situations. Try to reduce the amount of cardboard boxes that are lying around your house. Pests love to hide in and around these cardboard boxes, and will multiple if you leave them there for a long period of time. Take this precaution if you want to save a lot of time and money. Although you should try to prevent using pesticides to get rid of pests when you can, if it is necessary to use one, then make sure you select the right one. Read the label of a pesticide so that you can be aware of exactly where you can use the pesticide. You don't want to use it in the wrong place where you can put others in harm. If you are searching for a pesticide to eliminate a certain pest, make sure you actually see the pest on the label before using it. If you are going to hire an exterminator, make sure they are licensed in the state you are in. Many people take the exterminators word that they are licensed and later on they find out they are not. Ask to see some type of documentation so there will be no issues later.
TIP! Only use the amount of pesticide that you need for the current season. In addition, only mix the amount that you need for the current time.
Pet food is like a buffet for bugs and mice! Make sure you keep your pet's food in a tightly sealing container which won't allow anything to get inside. If you do find pests in the container, buy a new one. The more pests are eating the food, the worse the situation will become. Try using orange oil to keep insects at bay. Insects do not like the smell of orange oil as it is poisonous to many of them. The added benefit is that you can use it to clean your home. If you have not yet tried orange oil you definitely should. Use peanut butter in your mousetrap. Many people follow the old tradition of using a piece of cheese, but the truth is that is does not works nearly as good as peanut butter does. Cheese goes stale and does not have nearly as strong of an odor. Use peanut butter and see how much faster it is to get rid of the rodent.
TIP! One of the ways that you can get rid of pests in a cheap and effective manner is to pour black pepper over any area that you think may have pests. This will help as this is not a pleasant scent for pests, and they will go elsewhere in places that pepper is present.
You have to treat more than just your pet when he has fleas. It's important to treat your home as well. Vacuum everything, from the curtains to the couches. Wash all of your linens, including the dog's bed, jackets, etc. Don't forget their leash, collar and harness if they have one! If you vacuum up the ants in your home, make sure you sprinkle a little corn starch on them before you do so. This will cause them to die inside the vacuum bag and will ensure that you don't have a problem at a later date. Alternatively, simply use soap and water to take care of the problem. When dust mites make you sick, you have to control the dust they're eating. Keep your home spotlessly clean. Invest in a HEPA-filter vacuum. Vacuum your mattresses and seating frequently. Don't forget to wash curtains often, too. Towels and linens will also have to be in the laundry every week, at least.
TIP! Carpet beetles are a real pain in your home. They are naturally attracted to the organic materials in your home.
Add pest control chores to your weekly routine. It's easy to forget the simple things that can help keep pests out of your home. Most of them can be done in just a few minutes weekly and can make a big difference. Make them a part of your chore routine weekly, and you'll be better off for it. Clean any highly trafficked food areas every single day. Even a few crumbs each day can lead to a feast for pests over time. It's best then to approach your cleaning not once a week, but daily for these areas. Even just five minutes will lead you to a cleaner area and less potential pests. Your pets are a big source of bug infestations in your home. Not only can your pets bring in fleas and ticks from outdoors, but their food is a food source for bugs as well. When the animals are done eating, pick up their food. Keep the area where the animals eat clean as well.
TIP! Use borax and sugar to keep ants out of your home. Get a quart jar and mix within it a cup of both sugar and borax.
It is rare that a clean home gets mealworms, so consider your own housekeeping habits if you find these creatures in your home. It's important to clean up your kitchen, bathroom, garage and other areas to ensure they have nothing to eat. Once they're starved out, they'll be gone for good. Fumigate your home on a regular basis if you have had a pest problem more than one time. Some pests are so populated in an area that it can be next to impossible to keep them out of your home. However, if you take preventative measures, you are more likely to succeed. If you are having a problem with rodents, you need to do a few things to eliminate the areas where they can be problems. If you have any fruit trees near your home, cut them down. Rats love fruit. If your garbage cans do not have tight fitting sealed lids, buy new ones that the rats cannot get inside and feed.
TIP! Although you want to get rid of these pests no matter what, you should ensure you are properly protecting yourself. Always wear the protective gear that the label instructs you to wear.
Ask your exterminator to use the most effective methods first. Many exterminators assume that you rather give the less potent methods a try first, in order to save money, but they very rarely work. You might as well just use the most effective method so that it is done and over with. Make sure that all of your windows and doors have mesh screens. Make sure that all the screens are in securely and are repaired if necessary. Be sure to use a fine mesh for screens as this is a larger deterrent for pests. Check your door and window seals as well for any points of entry. Go through the foundation and roof of your house to ensure that there's no cracks or holes that pests can get into. If you find any, make sure you seal them up as soon as possible. Try to avoid using typical caulk as they usually can chew through this. Your best bet is to use something made with copper or mesh.
TIP! Bee's stings are painful, and can even be fatal for some people. Make sure bees do not build a nest on or near your home.
Before taking action of any kind, be sure to identify your pest and learn about it. A quick online search into the origins of your pest and how it can be eliminated can simplify your battle against the pest. You can then decide whether you want to handle the problem yourself or if a professional is needed. Increase the frequency that you take the garbage out during the course of the year. Sometimes, you may not take the garbage out enough, which can cause odors that can attract pests. Instead of bringing the garbage out once per week, you can take it out once every two or three days. Mildew and mold are the favorite foods of the fungus beetle, so their appearance in your home is a bad sign. You need to find out what they're eating and how it's appearing in your home, such as if there is a leak or broken pipe; which will need to be fixed as soon as possible.
TIP! If you store garbage outside, make sure that the bin you use is tightly sealing and locks. Animals will beat that can up to get what's inside, and you don't want them making a mess of your yard.
If you have children, you need to use pesticide on your lawn to prevent fire ants from hurting your children. Fire ants have been known to kill people who have an allergic reaction to their sting. At your local home improvement store, you can find pellets to spread on your lawn to kill fire ants along with a host of other harmful insects. Spray white vinegar in areas where you have seen an Ant trail. This acidic substance helps to erase the pheromones that ants use to guide one another to food. This solution will not rid you of your ant problem on its own, but it can keep them at bay while you apply pesticides or take other measures. Check the caulk on the outside of your home, both around windows and in the bricks or foundation, to ensure that it isn't cracked or missing. Many bugs or even molds can make their way inside, causing you health issues and damage. Clean up your caulk and keep your home safe.
TIP! If you have a lot of trees or bushes around your home, prune them. This is a good way to prevent insects and animals from moving closer to your home, as they will not be able to transport themselves.
This article discussed some common ways that you can get rid of household pests. Taking pest control in your own hands is usually a good idea, especially if you're low on cash. Use the tips from this article to help you battle the pests and ensure they don't make camp in your home any longer!